Google scholar, *Equal contribution
Constraining P and T Violating Forces with Chiral Molecules
C. Baruch, P. B. Changala, Y. Shagam, Y. Soreq
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 043115 (2024)

Constraining CP violating nucleon-nucleon long range interactions in diatomic eEDM searches
C. Baruch, P. B. Changala, Y. Shagam, Y. Soreq
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 113202 (2024)

Large Vibrationally Induced Parity Violation Effects in CHDBrI\(^+\)
Eduardus, Y. Shagam, A. Landau, S. Faraji, P. Schwerdtfeger, A. Borschevsky and L. F. Pasteka
Chem. Communi. 59, 14579 (2023)

Simultaneous Enantiomer-Resolved Ramsey Spectroscopy Scheme for Chiral Molecules
I. Erez, E. R. Wallach, and Y. Shagam
Phys. Rev. X 13, 041025 (2023)

Chiral molecule candidates for trapped ion spectroscopy by ab-initio calculations: from state preparation to parity violation
A. Landau, Eduardus, D. Behar, E. R. Wallach, L. F. Pasteka, S. Faraji, A. Borschevsky and Y. Shagam
J. Chem. Phys. 159, 114307 (2023)

An improved bound on the electron’s electric dipole moment
T. S. Roussy*, L. Caldwell*, T. Wright, W. B. Cairncross, Y. Shagam, K. B. Ng, N. Schlossberger, S. Y. Park, A. Wang, J. Ye, E. A. Cornell
Science 381, 46-50 (2023)
Highlighted in a Perspective: Probing fundamental particles with molecules by Fan and Jayich

Systematic and statistical uncertainty evaluation of the HfF\(^+\) electron electric dipole moment experiment
L. Caldwell*, T. S. Roussy*, T. Wright, W. B. Cairncross, Y. Shagam, K. B. Ng, N. Schlossberger, S. Y. Park, A. Wang, J. Ye, E. A. Cornell
Phys. Rev. A 108, 012804 (2023)

Spectroscopy on the eEDM-sensitive states of ThF\(^+\)
K. B. Ng, Y. Zhou, L. Cheng, N. Schlossberger, S. Y. Park, T. S. Roussy, L. Caldwell, Y. Shagam, A. J. Vigil, E. A. Cornell, J. Ye
Phys. Rev. A 105, 022823 (2022)
Editors’ Suggestion

Experimental constraint on axion-like particle coupling over seven orders of magnitude in mass
T. S. Roussy, D. A. Palken, W. B. Cairncross, B. M. Brubaker, D. N. Gresh, M. Grau, K. C. Cossel, K. B. Ng, Y. Shagam, Y. Zhou, V. V. Flambaum, K. W. Lehnert, J. Ye, E. A. Cornell
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 171301 (2021)
Continuous temporal ion detection combined with time-sliced imaging: Normalization over a large dynamic range
Y. Shagam, W. B. Cairncross, T. S. Roussy, Y. Zhou, K. B. Ng, D. N. Gresh, T. Grogan, J. Ye, E. A. Cornell
J. Mol. Spec. 368, 111257 (2020)
Second-scale coherence measured at the quantum projection noise limit with hundreds of molecular ions
Y. Zhou*, Y. Shagam*, W. B. Cairncross, K. B. Ng, T. S. Roussy, T. Grogan, K. Boyce, A. Vigil, M. Pettine, T. Zelevinsky, J. Ye, E. A. Cornell
Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 053201 (2020)

Phase protection of Fano-Feshbach resonances
A. Blech*, Y. Shagam*, N. Hölsch, P. Paliwal, W. Skomorowski, J. W. Rosenberg, N. Bibelnik O. Heber, D. Reich, E. Narevicius, C. P. Koch
Nature Comm. 11, 999 (2020)

Cold temperatures invert product ratios in Penning ionisation reactions with argon
N. Bibelnik, S. Gersten, A. B. Henson, E. Lavert-Ofir, Y. Shagam, W. Skomorowski, C. P. Koch, E. Narevicius
Molecular Physics, 117, 2128 (2019)
Enhancing radical molecular beams by skimmer cooling
H. Wu, D. Reens, T. Langen, Y. Shagam, D. Fontecha, J. Ye
Phys Chem. Chem. Phys., 20, 11615 (2018)
Molecular beam brightening by shockwave suppression
Y. Segev, N. Bibelnik, N. Akerman, Y. Shagam, A. Luski, M. Karpov, J. Narevicius, and E. Narevicius
Science Advances 3, e1602258 (2017)

Adiabatic Variational Theory for Cold Atom-Molecule Collisions: Application to a Metastable Helium Atom Colliding with ortho- and para-Hydrogen Molecules
M. Pawlak, Y. Shagam, A. Klein, E. Narevicius, N. Moiseyev
J. Phys. Chem. A 121, 2194 (2017)
Directly probing anisotropy in atom molecule collisions through quantum scattering resonances
A. Klein*, Y. Shagam*, W. Skomorowski, P. S. Żuchowski, M. Pawlak, L. M. C. Janssen, N. Moiseyev, S. Y. T. van de Meerakker, A. van der Avoird, C. P. Koch, E. Narevicius
Nature Physics 13, 35 (2017)
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Photoassociation spectroscopy in Penning ionization reactions at sub Kelvin temperatures
W. Skomorowski, Y. Shagam, E. Narevicius, C. P. Koch
J. Phys. Chem. A 120, 3309 (2016)
Adiabatic theory for anisotropic cold molecule collisions
M. Pawlak, Y.Shagam, E. Narevicius, N. Moiseyev
J. Chem. Phys. 143, 074114 (2015)
Molecular hydrogen interacts more strongly when rotationally excited at low temperatures leading to faster reactions
Y. Shagam, A. Klein, W. Skomorowski, R. Yun, V. Averbukh, C. Koch, E. Narevicius
Nature Chemistry, 7, 921 (2015)

Observation of the isotope effect in sub-kelvin reactions
Lavert-Ofir*, Y. Shagam*, A. B. Henson, S. Gersten, J. Klos, P. S. Żuchowski, J. Narevicius, and E. Narevicius
Nature Chemistry 6, 332 (2014)
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Sub-Kelvin Collision Temperatures in Merged Neutral Beams by Correlation in Phase-Space
Y. Shagam, E. Narevicius
J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 22454 (2013)

Observation of Resonances in Penning Ionization Reactions at Sub-Kelvin Temperatures in Merged Beams
A. Henson, S. Gersten, Y. Shagam, J. Narevicius, E. Narevicius
Science 338, 234 (2012)

Density and phase-space compression of molecular gases in magneto-electrostatic traps
Y. Shagam, E. Narevicius